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FREE Body Massage Roller (Value $20) For Orders With Tone & Tighten Bundle
FREE Body Massage Roller (Value $20) For Orders With Tone & Tighten Bundle
FREE Body Massage Roller (Value $20) For Orders With Tone & Tighten Bundle

Fast Fixes to Perk Up Dull, Morning Skin

Fast Fixes to Perk Up Dull, Morning Skin

Does your skin appear lackluster on certain mornings? A late work or party night announces itself on your skin when you wake up in the morning. And that’s the part of the day when you can’t spare time for a full-on skin pampering.

And even when you strive and actually manage to wake up early each morning, there seems never enough time to get ready. Add to that the dilemma of waking on some mornings with less that radiant skin.

Awaken not just your senses but your skin as well and erase the effects of late nights on your appearance. Try any or a combination of these perk-me-up skin tricks for times when you need to wake your skin up fast.


Cheery mornings, not-so-bleak afternoons and tolerable weekdays, for most of us that’s what coffee means. Moderate consumption of coffee is beneficial for the body in a number of ways. Aside from the near instant jolt of energy, coffee is also mood-boosting, anti-inflammatory, and full of antioxidants.

Coffee will not only jumpstart your mornings, topical coffee-based products will also make your skin appear perkier than it is. A compound found in coffee called methylxanthine accomplishes this by shrinking swollen skin tissues. As a diuretic applied directly to the skin, coffee can reduce puffiness caused by excess or stagnant fluids; swapping tired, morning skin for one that’s tighter and brighter.

Fast Fixes to Perk Up Dull, Morning Skin


Depending on your skin type and condition, the recommended face and body scrubbing frequency is between 2 to 3 times a week. This ensures dead skin cells and dirty pores will not morph into pesky skin build-ups. You’ll have skin that’s constantly fresh and supple without ending up with raw and over-exfoliated.

But at times when the skin on your face needs a much needed pick-me-up, a quick face scrub, regardless of your scrubbing schedule, will enliven dull, lifeless skin fast.

Gently scrubbing your face in the morning will stimulate blood circulation and encourage the facial skin and muscles to rev up. Scrubbing the face also enable the ready absorption of serums and creams. Face scrubs best to use for these times are ones with energising coffee and revitalising vitamin c ingredients in them.


If your face is sensitive or prone to breakouts, you can use face masks instead of face scrubs. Face masks tightens and lifts your skin making your face appear more vibrant and awake without or with minimal use of physical abrasives that may irritate sensitive or acne-prone skin.

Fast Fixes to Perk Up Dull, Morning Skin

Face masks, especially sheet masks, are usually applied as a pampering face treatment and often take 10-20 mins to ensure full absorption of the serum-soaked sheets. Sheet masks are best to use before a night out or during your self-care sessions.

Cream and clay-based face masks can work wonders in invigorating tired-looking skin in as short as 3-5 minutes, perfect for busy mornings.


A splash of cold water or ice cube rubbed all over your face can help to wake your skin up in the mornings. Cold water or ice applied on the face can stimulate blood flow within seconds. You can also put your toners and moisturisers in the refrigerator the night before and apply them to clean, freshly scrubbed or masked skin in the morning.

Fast Fixes to Perk Up Dull, Morning Skin

After using either a face scrub or face mask, rinse your face with warm water to easily remove the product. When face is thoroughly cleansed, splash with cold water or quick rub with an ice cube. It will instantly wake your skin up. Cold water or ice can tighten the pores that’s just been purified by face scrub or face mask.


Face rollers such as ice rollers, steel rollers and jade rollers are very popular right now, even though face rollers date back to the 17th century in China.

Jade rollers, in particular, are said to smooth wrinkles, remove toxins, diminish dark under eyes, reduce inflammation, relieve headaches, improve blood circulation and ease breakouts. Too good to be true? Some of the purported results are not medically proven but still, there are good things to be gained by using a facial roller.

Jade rollers can indeed help improve blood circulation and make the face look smoother and more relaxed. They also help even out the application of serums and moisturisers.

Jade rollers can decrease puffiness and encourage drainage of excess fluids that make the face look swollen and weighed down. Using the jade roller gently under and around the eyes can have similar results.

Like having a mini-massage treatment, jade rolling helps to relieve tension from the muscles under the skin, especially around the forehead and the jawline.

In the mornings, a quick rolling that goes from the middle of the face going upwards and outwards will result in a smoother, more defined face.

Using jade, rather than the ice or steel variety on the skin is believed to have additional benefits. Crystal experts say jade crystals are grounding, calming and healing.


A highlighter draws attention to your best facial features. Highlighters also lift up the areas where you apply them. This creates a more chiseled, polished look, as opposed to the haggard mess the mornings usually bring.

Add a little bit of highlighter to the inner and outer corners of the eyes to visibly lift and brighten; instantly erasing tired, sleep deprived eyes.

Dabbing highlighter under and over the brows, after you’ve filled them in with eyebrow makeup, lifts the brow area and brightens the entire face.

Fast Fixes to Perk Up Dull, Morning Skin

The secret to using highlighter on the face for a natural-looking glow is to use them in small amounts. No need for heavy applicators; just a light dab with your fingertips will do.


With so many things to do before you leave the door during mornings, you can hardly fit all these have-to-dos in an hour or under. If you’re crunched for time in the mornings and you need to have a winning, upbeat look for an important meeting, use products that work for you in more ways than one to help you stave off grooming time.

Products like BodyBlendz 2 in 1 Facial Capsules is an absolute timesaver; it’s a face scrub and a face mask and works in under five minutes

Cream shimmer scrubs such as BodyBlendz Sugar Coco and Coconut Coffee are all-over face and body scrubs that double as light moisturising skin shimmer.

And the Illuminating Balm by BodyBlendz, a smoothing balm that acts as a face brightener or spot highlighter at the same time.

As with all BodyBlendz products, they are all-natural, vegan and cruelty-free. These products are heaven-sent when you’re in a rush; they work fast without sacrificing safety and quality.


3-Step Skin Rejuvenation Set

Coconut Coffee Cream Coffee Scrub

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